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Compassionate Inquiry and Art Therapy - English, Spanish, and Portuguese on Zoom or in-person in Florianopolis, Brazil.

Georgina Navarro

Georgina’s journey began in Honduras, but at the tender age of five, she embarked on a life-altering odyssey to Mexico. Leaving behind not just her home, neighbors, or school, but the entire world she knew as safe, inflicted a profound wound she carried throughout her life. It was this deep-seated ache that fueled her quest for understanding when she became a mother—a quest to provide her child with a different experience, one where he could fully exercise his natural rights to exist and belong, where he could aspire to be anything he desired.

Driven by this imperative to nurture her son, Georgina delved into the intricacies of human development, seeking solace and insight where words often fell short. Her journey began as a graphic artist, drawn to the expressive power of visual language, and led her to the nurturing embrace of Waldorf Schools, where education and art intertwined seamlessly. There, she found her calling in art therapy, realizing that through creativity, she could unlock the labyrinth of limiting beliefs we weave around ourselves.

As she honed her craft, Georgina’s path intersected with the teachings of Gabor Maté, illuminating a holistic approach that resonated deeply within her soul. With Compassionate Inquiry as her guiding light, she embarked on a mission to unravel the tangled web of self-perception and unearth the seeds of resilience buried within.

Through art and the gentle probing of Compassionate Inquiry, she journeys alongside those who seek to forge a deeper connection with themselves, cultivating resilience and fortitude that endure lifetimes.

English, Spanish, and Portuguese sessions are available.

Get in touch:


• Major degree in Graphic Arts, University of Guadalajara, México
• Registered Waldorf Educator for elementary school, Centro Antroposófico de México
• Post Graduate Diploma in Antrophosophic Art Therapy, SAGRES Institute, Brazil.
• Various Trainings in Trauma Informed Practices including:
• Certified Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner
• Trauma Informed Expressive Arts, (EXAT-CE)
• Certified in ACE awarness -Adverse Childhood Experiences
• Emergency Pedagogics
• Mindfulness Self Compassion practices

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